Upcoming Worship Se

Upcoming worship services

Jan 14, 10:00, Morning Prayer
Jan 21, 10:00, Morning Prayer
Jan 28, 10:00, Morning Prayer

Feb 4, 10:00, Holy Communion, Father Hillin
Feb 11, 10:00, Morning Prayer
Feb 18, 10:00, Morning Prayer
Feb 25, 10:00, Morning Prayer

THIS is a link to the church calendar of the Episcopal Church. It has links to further information about the people who are commemorated on any particular day.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Father Nissen's sermon, Sept 30

America is known for rugged individualism. Yes, we need to be strong and have a sense of purpose in our lives. But this does not make us fully human. Without relationships with others we are stunted.
Read Luke 16:19-31, which tells of the rich man who ended up in Hell and the beggar Lazarus who died and rested in Abraham's arms. This teaching is not so much a story about Heaven and Hell, but a teaching that focuses on our need for one another. The rich guy discovered this after his death that Lazarus could help him.
So the story can teach us that we should not get so wrapped up in ourselves and end up like the rich man. We should be like Lazarus, which means "He whom God helps." the rich man is not given a name because he did not relate well to people and was not, therefore, fully human.
Through Jesus' incarnation and our baptism we are all one with one another. Let us thank God that our beloved Episcopal Church continues to put before us the vision that we can talk, love, and share together.
God bless you.

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